Jenn says... (Tarot)

Rachel did a reading for me when I was struggling with a “relationship.” Gave me the insight I needed to let go and explained to me what a karmic relationship was. She was very thorough and it really may have saved me from going too far down the rabbit hole of another bad relationship.

Amanda Says... (Tarot)

Rachel was kind enough to do a quick tarot reading for me recently and it was so insightful. My partner has been going through some difficult times at work and the insights Rachel shared during my reading helped me navigate being a solid support system.

Erin Says... (Tarot)

I had just made a huge decision in my life and had made a very scary change. I needed things to start moving in the direction I wanted for my career and calling and had additional decisions to make. Rachel did a tarot reading for me and laid things out. Without an exact timeline (but read as “soon”), she said that things would start moving in the direction I wanted and that once they did, things would really take off. Positive changes were coming. I was hesitant to feel too optimistic—not because of her but because I was afraid of being disappointed.

Well, within the next few weeks, not only did things start moving, but they took off in ways that I couldn’t have imagined. The accuracy of the reading was unbelievably spot-on. Eerily so! If you’re on the fence, do yourself a favor and give it a try.